
Our Updates

Engage Africa NLP, our Data Collection App for Leveraging Technology for Language Promotion and Preservation, is Ready!

Leveraging Technology for Language Promotion and Preservation: Engage Africa NLP Engage Africa NLP is committed to preserving and promoting African linguistic heritage in the digital age, ensuring these languages remain relevant and widely used. With an initial...

Embracing Global Opportunities with Multilingual Websites : African Businesses Continue to Break Barriers and Expand their Horizons

Why Go Multilingual?The digital economy is borderless, and your website could be your most powerful tool in tapping into new markets. By translating your website professionally, you not only enhance user experience but also build trust and credibility across diverse...

Translation and Localization Into the Language(s) of the Target Audience: A Necessity for Impact and Inclusion

Translating and/or localizing your content into the target audience's primary language is a requirement for impact and inclusion in linguistically diverse environments. Localization ensures not only the text content is translated, but that it will be culturally...

Leveraging Technology for Language Promotion and Preservation: Engage Africa NLP

  Leveraging Technology for Language Promotion and Preservation: Engage Africa NLP Engage Africa NLP is dedicated to advancing NLP and foster language and tech inclusion for African languages, with a focus on Cameroonian languages since there are as many as to...

Amplifying Authentic Voices: The Case for Native Language in Content Creation

Africa is incredibly linguistically diverse, with estimates suggesting that there are between 1250 to 2100 and possibly as many as 3000 languages spoken across the continent. When creating content that includes diverse voices, it is essential to let each person...

New Partnership: African Languages Lab

We're thrilled to announce our partnership with The African Languages Lab (All Lab). This collaboration will be a cornerstone of Program Engage Africa's mission to contribute to promoting digital inclusivity for low-resourced African languages, including Ghɔmálá’ and...

The Functionality and Usefulness of African Urban Languages

African urban languages are a testament to the continent's dynamism. These languages, often pidgins or creoles, emerge in urban settings as a blend of indigenous and colonial languages, reflecting the complex socio-political histories of African nations. While...

Africa Deep Dive: Market Entry/Adoption

We are thrilled to announce that our network is a partner of the upcoming Global Saké conference, “Africa Deep Dive: Market Entry/Adoption”!   This isn’t just a sponsorship; it’s a commitment to the vibrant future of language services and technology in Africa....

Unlocking Global Potential: The Strategic Role of Digitizing African Languages in Enhancing Localization Services

In the fast-evolving world of globalization, the translation and localization industry faces a transformative opportunity: the untapped potential of African languages. With over 3000 distinct languages, the African continent represents a substantial yet underutilized...

What The Future has in Plan for Localization and Technology with African Languages

As we advance into the 21st century, the future of African languages in the context of localization, globalization, and technology is both promising and challenging. The continent of Africa, with its rich tapestry of over 2,000 languages, stands at a crucial juncture...
