Job Title:

NLP Project Coordinator – Cameroon/Remote


Program Engage Africa is seeking a dynamic NLP Project Coordinator to lead the development of advanced Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning systems. This role is critical in our efforts to incorporate the linguistic intricacies of Ghɔmálá and other languages as they are added into our future technologies. The ideal candidate will combine a background in computational linguistics and machine learning with effective project management skills.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Project Management and Coordination:
    • Lead and manage NLP projects, ensuring they are aligned with our strategic goals and delivered on time.
    • Oversee project resources, schedules, and milestones.
    • Tackle challenges proactively and make adjustments to project scopes as required.
  • Data Collection Platform Development:
    • Spearhead the creation of a crowdsourcing platform for linguistic data collection, focusing initially on Ghɔmálá and other languages as they are added.
    • Collaborate with technical teams on platform design, implementation, and enhancement.
    • Ensure the platform provides an engaging and efficient experience for data contributors.
  • Data Management and Analysis:
    • Supervise the collection, extraction, and management of data for NLP applications.
    • Uphold the highest standards of data integrity and quality for ML model development.
    • Analyze data to uncover insights that can help drive improvements in the models.
  • Stakeholder Engagement and Communication:
    • Work with language experts, linguists, and native speakers for data accuracy and refinement.
    • Maintain clear and consistent communication with data science teams and other partners.
    • Lead social and public awareness campaigns to boost participation and interest in the project.
    • Document project resources, statistics and advancements.
  • Innovation and Research:
    • Stay at the forefront of NLP and ML technology trends.
    • Employ cutting-edge techniques to define strategies and NLP model capabilities.
    • Contribute to the development of multilingual dictionaries and translation models.
  • Team Collaboration and Support:
    • Encourage teamwork among data scientists, engineers, data collectors, community stakeholders and other project members.
    • Organize meetings, workshops, and training sessions to ensure team alignment and knowledge sharing.



  • Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Computer Science, Computational Linguistics, Machine Learning, Data Science, or a related field.
  • Experience with linguistics, annotation or localization is highly desirable.
  • Fluency or working knowledge of English (preferably) and/or French.
  • Passion, proficiency, or interest in Ghɔmálá or ANY Cameroonian or African language or lingua franca is a must.


How to Apply:

Please send a resume and a cover letter explaining your interest and qualifications, as well as any relevant portfolio for the role, to